The Vivo V20 Pro 5G which launched a couple of days back in India has now started receiving the Android 11 update. Users who have purchased the device got it running on FuntouchOS 11 out of the box on top of Android 10. As per a report from Gadgets360, Vivo is now rolling out the stable Android 11 update for the Vivo V20 Pro 5G in India. It is good news for the users since they will be able to experience the power of Android 11 right away - more on the story ahead.
Vivo V20 Pro 5G Android 11 Update
The build number of the Android 11 update rolled out for Vivo V20 Pro 5G is ‘PD2020F_EX_A_6.70.8. The update size is 3.6GB. The changelog of the update reflects that the device will get features such as priority chat function, chat bubbles, and notification history. Adding to this, the device would also receive the latest November 2020 Android Security Patch.
Vivo V20 Pro 5G Specifications and Price
The Vivo V20 Pro comes with a 6.44-inch full HD+ AMOLED display. The smartphone is powered by the Qualcomm Snapdragon 765G and is capable of 5G connectivity. It is launched in a single variant only with 8GB RAM and 128GB of internal storage. The Vivo V20 Pro has three cameras at the rear with a 64MP primary sensor paired alongside an 8MP secondary sensor and a 2MP lens. There are two cameras at the front where the primary sensor has a 44MP lens paired with an 8MP secondary sensor. There is a 4,000mAh battery inside the device which comes with the support of 33W fast-charging. For wired headphones or earphones lovers, there is also a 3.5mm audio jack present on the device. As mentioned above, the device has only launched in a single variant with 8GB RAM and 128GB internal storage. It is priced Rs 29,999 and is available in two different colours, namely Sunset Melody and Midnight Jazz. You can purchase the device from the Vivo stores of India and some other major e-retailers as well.