Asus Zenfone Max Pro M1 Price Slashed It is worth noting that the price cuts for the Asus phone range anywhere from Rs 1,000 to Rs 5,000 for specific models and interested buyers can buy these phones on Flipkart or the Asus website. The first phone to get the price slash is the Asus Zenfone Max Pro M1. The 3GB/32GB variant of the phone whose previous price was Rs 9,999 will now retail for Rs 8,499. Similarly, the 4GB/64GB option which previously had the price tag of Rs 11,999 and the 6GB/64GB variant which used to be available for Rs 13,999 will retail from Rs 10,499 and Rs 12,499 respectively. Asus Zenfone Max Pro M2 Price Slashed The second device in the list of price cuts is the Asus Zenfone Max Pro M2 which is available in three variants. The first of the three options with 3GB/32GB specification used to be available for Rs 12,999, but now it will retail for Rs 9,999. Similarly, the price of the 4GB/64GB variant of the Asus Zenfone Max Pro M2 is down from Rs 14,999 to Rs 11,999. Lastly, the highest variant of the phone with 6GB RAM and 64GB storage is down from Rs 16,999 to Rs 13,999. Asus Zenfone 5Z Price Slashed The Asus Zenfone 5Z, which was a major offering from Asus started with a price tag of Rs 29,999 for the 6GB/64GB variant, but it will now be available for Rs 24,999. The 6GB/128GB variant of the device will be available for Rs 27,999 down from Rs 32,999. Lastly, the 8GB/256GB variant of the Asus Zenfone 5Z will be available for Rs 31,999 as opposed to Rs 36,999 which was the price earlier. Asus Zenfone Max M2 Price Slashed The last device to receive a price cut in Asus’ line-up is an affordable offering which has gone even cheaper – the Asus Zenfone Max M2. The first of the two variants of the phone with 3GB RAM and 32GB of storage will retail for Rs 8,499 down from its previous price of Rs 9,999 whereas the other option with 4GB RAM and 64GB storage will retail for Rs 10,499 down from its original price of Rs 11,999.

Asus Reduces the Price of Zenfone Max Pro M2 to Rs 9 999 - 2