The Telecom Sector Skill Council (TSSC) - India’s premier skill development institution for telecom, and Broadband India Forum (BIF) - the leading Policy think-tank for digital communications in the country, have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) towards meeting and developing the manpower training requirements of BIF members, in accordance with the latest technologies and skilling standards. The MoU, which has been signed for a duration of 3 years, is aimed at facilitating the development of efficient and adequately skilled manpower resources amongst BIF’s member organisations, especially for next-generation technologies, including 5G, WI-FI (PM WANI), Internet of Things (IoT), Small Cells, Digital In-Building solutions and other emerging technologies.
BIF Will Help With Creating and Upgrading Labs and Teaching Infrastructure
The efforts under this MoU will include joint mapping of skill requirements against the industry demand for both re-skilling and up-skilling to be conducted by BIF and TSSC. TSSC will support BIF’s wide-ranging membership base in the development of their requisite training eco-system, alignment of training deliverables to industry requirements, and will create awareness of the skill program among them. TSSC and BIF will issue joint certificates on all the paid National Skills Qualifications Framework (NSQF) aligned courses. TSSC will help develop programs with high industry visibility and traction for BIF members and provide guidance on various government skill development schemes for participating and deriving benefits from. BIF will provide its support to TSSC in the form of suggestions for course content for the training of its member organisations. Additionally, BIF shall help create/upgrade labs, classrooms and teaching infrastructure for them with TSSC’s guidance. For the unaware, Broadband India Forum (BIF) works as an independent policy platform and knowledge-based think-tank that focuses on the upgradation, development and enhancement of the entire broadband ecosystem in India in a holistic, technology-neutral and service-neutral manner. The TSSC was formed under the Societies Registration Act, 1860. It stands for Telecom Sector Skill Council and is an industry-led top body, an NPO organization, focused on developing world-class skilled manpower for the telecom industry.