As India continues to be under lockdown, state-run BSNL has brought a new ‘Work from Home’ prepaid plan to cash in during the tough phase. BSNL has been struggling a lot in recent times, thanks to the private telecom service providers. However, the company did not back off from providing the industry’s best tariff plans to prepaid subscribers. Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited has now brought a new prepaid STV of Rs 599 aka ‘Work from Home STV’ which and it ships with a whopping 5GB data per day. In the past, we have seen BSNL offering the same amount of daily data benefit at Rs 551, but it was limited to just Andhra Pradesh & Telangana telecom circle. The latest Rs 599 prepaid STV is valid across the country where BSNL is operating and it comes with a validity of 90 days. Additionally, it also offers voice calling and SMS benefits too.

BSNL Rs 599 Work from Home Prepaid STV: Benefits Detailed

Unlike the Rs 551 pack which used to be a daily-only plan, the Rs 599 STV is an unlimited combo plan. Benefits of the plan include unlimited voice calling to any network within India capped at 250 minutes per day, 5GB data per day and 100 SMSes per day. The validity of the plan is 90 days from the date of recharge. As noted, BSNL will be providing the new Rs 599 prepaid STV across all the telecom circles (except Mumbai & Delhi). BSNL also stated that the data speeds would be capped to 80 Kbps after the completion of alloted 5GB data limit. BSNL is rightly marketing the Rs 599 plan as a ‘Work from Home’ recharge because it offers a total of 450GB data. At the moment, a lot of citizens in India are working from their home due to Coronavirus, and they are looking for heavy data plans. While there are a lot of subscribers who opt for traditional wired broadband connection, there are some who rely on mobile data to get their job done on a day-to-day basis.

Private Telcos Providing Maximum of 3GB Data per Day

In similar news, BSNL is outperforming private telcos again with the new Rs 599 plan as they are offering up to just 3GB data per day. Before the tariff revision that happened in December 2019, there were some prepaid plans from Reliance Jio, Airtel and Vodafone Idea which used to provide over 4GB data per day. However, the maximum daily data benefit offered by the three telcos with any prepaid plan right now is 3GB per day. On the flip side, BSNL just rolled out a prepaid plan with 5GB data per day on offer. It will be interesting to see how prepaid telcos respond to this new STV from the government-led telco.

BSNL Brings Rs 599 Work from Home Prepaid STV With 5GB Daily Data and 90 Days Validity - 30