BSNL Rs 1,999 Validity Increased Yet Again BSNL has introduced two promotional offers on the Rs 1,999 prepaid recharge. Last month, the telco said the yearly prepaid plan would come with an additional 71 days validity and that offer ended on February 15 itself. As part of its newly introduced promotional offer, the Rs 1,999 plan will offer extended validity of 71 days, which takes it to an overall 436 days validity. And the second promotional offer will offer an extra 60 days validity, meaning the benefits would be available for 425 days from the date of recharge. The first promotional offer is valid up to February 28, whereas the second offer starts on March 1 and ends on March 31. The new offer is applicable across all the circles except Kerala. BSNL launched the Rs 1,999 plan even in Kerala circle a few weeks ago, but the new promotional offers are yet to be introduced. As for the benefits of the Rs 1,999 plan from BSNL, it ships with 3GB daily data, 250 minutes of unlimited voice calls to any network within India and 100 SMSes per day. Other benefits of the plan include BSNL TV and BSNL Tunes subscriptions. However, do make a note that the additional benefits of the plan are valid for just 365 days only. " Extra validity with PV1999 along with existing freebies but bundled content (if any) will not be available during the extra validity period," says BSNL. BSNL Hits Hard at Reliance Jio by Increasing Validity BSNL sure knows how to counterattack private telecom operators. Just a day after Reliance Jio reducing the validity of its annual plan by 29 days, BSNL has increased the validity by up to 71 days. For the unaware, Reliance Jio removed yearly plan of Rs 2,020 and came up with a new recharge of Rs 2,121 that offer 1.5GB data per day, unlimited voice calls to Jio numbers, 12,000 non-Jio minutes and 100 SMSes per day for 336 days. So necessarily Jio is now suggesting that 12 months plan will have 336 days validity only and not 365 days like earlier. With this move from Reliance Jio, BSNL gains the upper hand as the Rs 1,999 plan is not only cheaper but also comes with extra validity. But, it is worth noting that BSNL lacks 4G services whereas Jio is LTE-only operator in India right now. BSNL and Reliance Jio are locking horns for a while now, however, the former seems to be winning the race at the moment.