BSNL Rs 1,999 Broadband Plan Launched: Complete Details Diving into the newly launched plan from BSNL, it provides a user 100 Mbps speeds up to 33GB data every day. After the daily FUP, speeds will be reduced to 4 Mbps which is reasonable compared to the 1 Mbps after FUP speeds from JioFiber. Although BSNL is marketing the plan as an unlimited data plan, there’s a daily data cap of 33GB, similar to other Bharat Fiber broadband plans. For the unaware, BSNL revised its Bharat Fiber broadband plans earlier this year and converted them to daily data plans. Besides the data, the Rs 1,999 Bharat Fiber plan also allows users to make voice calls to any network in the country through the company’s landline service. That being said, it’s a decent plan from BSNL, but the speeds are on the lower side. At least, the government-owned PSU should’ve provided 250 Mbps speeds. Nevertheless, the maximum speeds offered by BSNL is 100 Mbps even with the premium Rs 16,999 Bharat Fiber plan. The Rs 1,999 broadband plan sits between the Rs 1,277 and Rs 2,499 broadband plans from the company. BSNL Bharat Fiber Broadband Plans Detailed With the introduction of Rs 1,999 broadband plan, BSNL now has a total of eight Bharat Fiber broadband plans offering speeds up to 100 Mbps. The base Rs 849 broadband plan offers 50 Mbps speeds till 600GB, post which users can browse at 2 Mbps. Then there’s the Rs 1,277 Bharat Fiber plan that offers a user 750GB of data at 100 Mbps speeds and 2 Mbps after FUP speeds. The Rs 2,499 broadband plan from BSNL offers 40GB daily data at 100 Mbps speeds and 4 Mbps after FUP speeds. The Rs 4,499 plan offers 55GB daily data, Rs 5,999 plan has 80GB daily cap, Rs 9,999 broadband plan provides a user 120GB daily data, and lastly, the Rs 16,999 plan comes with 170GB daily data. All the BSNL Bharat Fiber plans offer unlimited voice calling service as well taking on JioFiber’s plans. JioFiber Rs 2,499 Plan vs BSNL Rs 1,999 Bharat Fiber Plan Yesterday, Reliance Jio unveiled a total of six JioFiber broadband plans providing base speeds of 100 Mbps and maximum speeds of 1 Gbps. JioFiber has a Rs 2,499 plan that takes on BSNL’s Rs 1,999 broadband plan introduced today. With its Rs 2,499 plan, Jio is providing 500 Mbps speeds up to 500GB and 1 Mbps post FUP speeds without any FUP limit. Jio will also deliver a 4K Set-Top Box and landline voice calling setup along with Giga TV calling service.

BSNL Rs 1 999 Broadband Plan Introduced With 33GB Daily Data and Unlimited Calling - 44