Last month, Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL) announced its satellite-based Narrowband internet of things (IoT) device services. But its tariff plans were not announced at the time. Only the cost of the device which would facilitate the connection, which is Rs 10,000 was revealed by the telco through a press release. But according to a KeralaTelecom story, the tariff plans for the satellite-based mobile services start from Rs 300 per month onwards. This will enable people travelling to or living in rural parts of the country where the network quality is poor or completely zero to get seamless connectivity.

BSNL Satellite-Based IoT Services Tariff Plans

BSNL is currently offering a total of seven different plans for its satellite network connectivity. All these seven plans come with monthly validities and a biennial (two years) and triennial validity (three years). The first plan is ‘Plan 25U’. It comes for Rs 300/month and offers 25KB data and 30 SMS and 1,440 minutes auto message-update frequency in minutes (UTP). The second plan is ‘Plan 50U’, which costs Rs 400. It is also a monthly plan which offers 50KB data, 30 SMS, and 60 minutes auto message-UTP. The third plan is ‘Plan 100U’ which comes for Rs 600/month. It offers 100KB data, 50 SMS, and 30 minutes auto message-UTP. The fourth plan is ‘Plan 150U’. This plan costs Rs 800/month and offers 150KB data, 100 SMS, and 20 minutes auto message-UTP. Then the fifth plan is ‘Plan 175U’, and it costs Rs 900/month. This plan offers 175KB data, 200 SMS, and 10 minutes auto message-UTP. The sixth plan is called ‘Plan 300U’ which comes for Rs 1,500/month, and it offers 300KB data along with 250 SMS, and 5 minutes auto message-UTP. The seventh and the last plan is ‘Plan 2200U’, and it comes for Rs 7,500/month. It offers 1,000 SMS, 2,200KB data, and 1-minute auto message-UTP. The biennial plan (two years or 24 months) will offer 1 month of service and the triennial plan (three years or 36 months) will offer 3 months of service free to the users. For taking longer validity plans, users will have to make complete payments in advance. It is worth noting that BSNL is providing its satellite service in partnership with Skylo. It is a solution which will enable connectivity in areas where there are no network towers. Do note that the subscription fee won’t be refundable for any unused period if the service is terminated in advance for longer-validity plans. The solution is completely designed and manufactured in India.

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