One of the most popular gun games globally, Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War, is available for users on different platforms, both PC and consoles. The Call of Duty franchise has seen many games over the last decade, and one of the most exciting features of the game is its multiplayer mode. Do note that the Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War is a first-person shooting (FPS) perspective game. Thus, the multiplayer mode in this game is even more exciting than you can imagine. Now the game is all set to get a new map for its multiplayer mode. The new map will be called ‘Miami Strike’. Let’s take a look at the details/features of the map.

Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War New Miami Strike Map

The trailer for the new map for Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War has been released by Treyarch Studios on its Twitter profile. The tweet mentions that it will be a 6v6 map. Further, the Miami Strike map will come with a new close-quarters layout along with a 24/7 playlist. The new map will be rolled out for the users starting next week. It is worth noting that the new map is considerably shorter than the other multiplayer maps present in the game. Other than this map, some more new things will come to the game. During the Season 2 launch, it was announced that the game would soon get multi-team Golova along with 2v2 and 3v3 Mansion, a Gunfight map in Havana, Cuba and a small face-off. The Miami Strike map will be rolling out next week, and it will be treated as a mid-season update for the game. Treyarch Studios is expected to share more details about the map in addition to other mid-season updates in the coming days. It will be interesting to see the kind of response this map gets from the players globally.

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