“The overall market decline was on expected lines for Q1 2019. The above industry average stock build-up in the end of previous quarter resulted in lower shipments. Also, the recent change in e-commerce rules in India impacted the online dependent players,” Narinder Kumar, Lead Analyst-Industry Intelligence Group, CMR, said in a statement. During Q1 2019, Samsung topped the overall mobile handset leaderboard with a 22% market share, followed by Xiaomi with 16% and LYF at 13%. “It is interesting to note that shipments of the top five smartphone players accounted for 83% of total smartphone shipments in Q1 2019. The hyper-competitive nature of the smartphone market saw intense competition, resulting in sequential decline by 10-12% for both Xiaomi and Samsung shipments,” said Prabhu Ram, Head-Industry Intelligence Group, CMR. The Indian smartphone market saw the affordable smartphone segment (Rs 7,000- Rs 25,000) growing by 75% while the value for money segment (less than Rs 7,000) experienced a 22% growth. The premium segment (Rs 25,001- Rs 50,000) grew at a flat 2.4% YoY.

Feature Phone Shipments Saw a Noticeable Decline of Around 49  in Q1 2019  CMR - 90