OPPO, Samsung and Vivo were the top three smartphone companies under the ‘Made in India’ category. The ‘Made in India’ smartphone shipments grew 16% YoY in Q2 2022 (April-June) to reach over 44 million units, shared Counterpoint Research. Growth in local manufacturing of smartphones was expected because of the Production Linked Incentive (PLI) scheme incentives that the Indian government announced for the manufacturers. For FY23, this was the first quarter, and the companies pushed for higher output. The growth in Made in India smartphone shipments is a positive sign for the economy and also places the current government’s initiatives in good light. In the feature phone segment, Lava was the leader in the Made in India shipments, capturing more than 21% share. Samsung and Bharat FIH are two companies which featured in multiple product segments which were made locally. Apart from smartphones, Samsung was also a key player in the tablet and TV segment when it came to made-in-India product shipments. The PLI scheme and the local manufacturing will contribute to creating more jobs in the coming years and would also serve as an important enabler in exporting goods to other countries.

OPPO  Samsung and Vivo Emerge as Top Smartphone Makers under Made in India Category - 59