PUBG Mobile was one of the many Chinese applications banned last year when the security tensions between India and China grew. In a recent statement, Prakash Javadekar, Union Minister of India, said that PUBG is a violent game, and it creates a complex in the minds of youngsters. Millions of Indian are waiting for PUBG Mobile relaunch in India, and this statement won’t instil confidence amongst them. PUBG Corporation has been trying to get hold of the Indian government and requesting it to launch the Indian version of the game, but even that request has been denied.

The solution is to Create Homegrown Apps for Children: Javadekar

Javadekar said that the solution is to create homegrown applications for children. He said that a ‘Centre of Excellence’ will be set up by the government in collaboration with the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IIT-B), which will come into effect as the new session starts in 2021. Javadekar stressed that Indian children need to grow up playing games that show them their ethos, culture, and tradition. For that, homegrown games and applications are a must. He further said that ‘criticising’ the game won’t help India’s children; instead, India should look to develop games and applications at home. It would be wrong to assume that PUBG Mobile will never come back to India based on the statement from Javadekar. But one thing is for sure; the Indian government will not make it easy for the game to make a comeback, especially when Indian apps such as FAU-G are on the market. At the same time, ‘PUBG: New State’ is already up for pre-registrations for the PC version and is said to be in the developing stages for the mobile version as well. The game is being developed by Krafton and PUBG Corporation, meaning no China involvement; thus, it might arrive in India.

PUBG a Violent Game Says Javadekar  Might Never Come Back to India - 39