Vivo V19: Rumoured Specifications and Features The latest 91mobiles report says the specifications of Vivo V19 Indonesian model will be different when compared to the Indian variant. The Vivo V19 in India will have a 6.44-inch Full HD+ Super AMOLED screen with a dual punch-hole cutout and 20:9 aspect ratio. The handset will also offer an in-display fingerprint scanner thanks to the usage of AMOLED screen. Unlike the Vivo V19 in Indonesia which featured Snapdragon 675 SoC, the Indian model will make use of the Snapdragon 712 chipset. That said, both the Snapdragon 675 and Snapdragon 712 are dated chipsets right now. Vivo should’ve at least gone with Snapdragon 730 or 720G chipset, but again, this is just a rumour and nothing is confirmed officially. The Vivo V19 will arrive in multiple variants with 8GB of RAM and 128GB/256GB storage. The report also says the Vivo V19 will offer a dedicated microSD card slot. Going by the same report, the Vivo V19 will offer a 48MP AI quad-camera setup on the back. The primary sensor could be the Sony IMX586, followed by an 8MP ultra-wide-angle lens, 2MP macro lens and a 2MP depth sensor. On the front, the Vivo V19 is said to have a 32MP primary shooter and an 8MP ultra-wide-angle lens. The handset might run Android 10 out of the box and it will have a 4500mAh battery. Vivo is also said to be adding 33W Flash Charge 2.0 support to the V19. The Vivo V19 is expected to start at Rs 24,990 in the Indian market which is on the higher side since the phone is said to feature Snapdragon 712 SoC.