Earlier this year, in the month of April, Vivo had announced the V21 5G handset in India, intended to be the successor to the V20 launched in 2020. Since then, there had been talks regarding the launch of the Vivo V21e 5G and, today, the device was launched. Key features of the device include the presence of a Dimensity 700 chipset, allowing for 5G capabilities, 64MP dual cameras and a 32MP selfie snapper capable of some great selfies.

Vivo V21e 5G: Specifications

When it comes to the complete specifications, the Vivo V21e 5G makes use of a 6.44-inch teardrop-notch panel with a resolution of Full HD+, a 20:9 aspect ratio, with a refresh rate of 60Hz and 408 pixels-per-inch. The AMOLED panel also integrates with it an in-display fingerprint scanner. In terms of performance, the device is dependent on the Dimensity 700 chipset that is coupled with 8GB of RAM and 128GB of UFS 2.1 based storage. The device also offers 3GB of virtual RAM, which can allow for better functioning of applications on the device. The performance is complemented via FunTouch OS 11.1 on top of Android 11. Towards the optics side of things, the device comes with a 32MP snapper with a rear dual-camera setup inclusive of a 64MP sensor, coupled with an 8MP ultra-wide lens. The camera can take dual-video selfies and offers features such as double exposure for better shooting scenarios and ultra-stable videos. As mentioned earlier, the device supports 5G owing to the Dimensity 700 chipset, with the specific band supported being the 5G NR N78 band. The company states that the dual-mode 5G device supports both SA and NSA based 5G to offer fast internet speeds and uses a 5G Dual SIM feature for a smoother connection. Additional features include a 4,000 mAh battery with support for  44W FlashCharge technology, with claims that the device, in 30 minutes of charging can reach 72% charge from zero. The V21e 5G also boasts of a chassis that measures 7.67mm in thickness and weighs a measly 165 grams.

Vivo V21e 5G: Pricing

In terms of pricing, the Vivo V21e 5G has been launched with one variant (8GB+128GB) priced at Rs 24,990 with two colours on offer, namely Sunset Jazz and Dark Peal. The handset can be bought via either Flipkart or Vivo India’s online store.

Vivo V21e 5G Is Another Step Towards Democratization of 5G  - 28