Vivo has just launched the Vivo Y31s with Snapdragon 480 SoC inside it. This means that the smartphone will be 5G supportive. It is a budget-friendly smartphone launched for the China market. There is a tear-drop notch at the front housing the selfie-camera and the highlight of the device is its 5G connectivity support and 90Hz refresh rate display. The smartphone comes with a dual-camera setup at the rear and is launched by Vivo in three different colour options. For getting more details about the Vivo Y31s, kindly read ahead.
Vivo Y31s Specifications
The Vivo Y31s has a 6.58-inch full-HD+ display which can support up to 90Hz refresh rate and offers 90.61% screen-to-body ratio. The device will run on FuntouchOS 10.5 based on Android 11 out of the box. As mentioned above, the smartphone will be powered by the octa-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 480 which has a 5G modem and Adreno 619 GPU coupled with up to 6GB of LPDDR4X RAM and 128GB of UFS 2.1 storage. In the camera department, Vivo Y31s comes with a single selfie camera at the front and a dual-camera setup at the rear. The dual-camera setup has a 13MP primary sensor and a 2MP depth sensor. At the front, for clicking selfies and video calls, there is an 8MP sensor with an f/2.0 lens. Connectivity options of the device include 5G, 4G VoLTE, Bluetooth 5.1, GPS, dual-band Wi-Fi, headphone jack, and a USB Type-C port. There is a gravity sensor, proximity sensor, ambient light sensor, electronic compass, and gyroscope inside the device. The Vivo Y31s ships with a massive 5,000mAh battery with support for 18W fast-charging. The device weighs 185.5 grams and measures 164.15x75.35x8.40mm.
Vivo Y31s Price
The Vivo Y31s has been launched for a price of CNY 1,498 (approximately Rs 17,000) for the 4GB+128GB variant and CNY 1,698 (approximately Rs 19,300) for the 6GB+128GB variant. The device has launched in three colours, namely red, grey, and silver. Vivo Y31s is currently available for pre-booking on the Vivo China website and will start shipping to the customers from January 15, 2021. Vivo hasn’t hinted at or announced any dates for the International availability of the device. Looking at the specs of the smartphone, there is no doubt that it will be one of the best smartphones in the mid-range segment. With 5G connectivity and 6GB RAM+128GB variant under Rs 20,000, Vivo Y31s will give a tough competition to all the other smartphones in the same price range. The device should ideally make it to the Indian market soon since Vivo does offer ‘Y’ series smartphones in the country.