A new feature that lets users customise their digital avatars by selecting different combinations of clothing, haircuts, and facial traits is being rolled out by WhatsApp. Avatars are already available for users of Meta’s Messenger, Facebook, and Instagram apps, and they are currently finding their way to WhatsApp. WhatsApp has announced that it would soon be introducing a number of new features to improve the overall user experience, including lighting, hairdo textures, shading, and other customisation choices. Starting today, WhatsApp Avatars will be gradually rolled out to users, therefore it might take some time before it is accessible on your smartphone. The Avatar feature was available on WhatsApp for iOS and Android. The new WhatsApp Avatar can also be used as a profile photo, the blog post claims. Users will be able to select one of the 36 unique stickers based on the actions and feelings of their avatar. Once they have been generated, users will be able to send and share these avatars with friends and family. In recent weeks, WhatsApp has added functions such as the capacity to use the same account on two Android devices, a message-yourself option, polls, and Communities as well.

Here’s How To Create an Avatar on WhatsApp

This is how you can create an avatar on iOS, but keep in mind that WhatsApp may be releasing the feature in phases before it becomes broadly available, including on Android smartphones.

Navigate to Settings after launching the WhatsApp app. Create Your Avatar is accessible by tapping on Avatar. The message “Say more with Avatars now on WhatsApp” will appear as a new prompt. Tap on Get Started. Choose your skin tone, hairstyle, eyewear, clothes, and more by going on to the next phase. Once you are done changing your avatar, press done and save changes. Now, based on your avatar, you may browse stickers, and even design a profile photo. WhatsApp Avatars  How To Create - 8