The social media messaging platform WhatsApp has recently released two new features for iOS beta users related to app notifications. WhatsApp has always been on its toes to roll out new updates carrying features that enhance the overall experience of the users. The first feature from WhatsApp will enable users to see profile pictures via the notifications, and the second feature will exhibit information when someone mentions or replies to a user in a WhatsApp group. Both of these features are scheduled to roll out in different updates.

The New Features by WhatsApp

The news regarding the above-mentioned updates came in just days after it was speculated that WhatsApp is redefining the user interface for the Contact Info Page and was spotted developing an ability to let group administrators link their groups to a community on iOS. The first feature regarding the profile photos in notifications is being rolled out on the devices updated to at least version beta on iOS 15 of the app. On the other hand, the feature with information related to group mentions or replies on the notification has been submitted through the TestFlight beta Program in version 22.1.71 as reported by WABetaInfo. The beta update for iOS devices will witness the feature where users will be able to see the profile picture of the sender via the notifications. The feature is currently being rolled out to a restricted number of users and the updates enhancing the feature will be released in the foreseeable future. The second feature is also related to notifications as it will allow users to know when someone mentions or replies to them in a group; however, this feature only pertains to group chats and not individual chats. WABetaInfo has shared screenshots of both features on iOS devices. These new updates come in a little while after the last beta update released by the company, which was speculated to bring in a redesigned interface for the contact info page. The newly designed contact page might come with a feature of a dedicated tab for search shortcuts. This update will be limited to iOS users for now, and Android users can expect it in the near future. In addition to this, there have also been talks about WhatsApp working on a feature that will enable the group administrators to link their groups to a community on iOS.

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